What does 3 sets of 15 reps mean? - Quora

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For bicep curls, are rep ranges from 6-12 ideal for achieving hypertrophy? - Quora

What does the word 'Natty' mean in fitness? - Quora

What is a recommended training plan? My goal with bench pressing is 100 kg for reps. My current stats are 70 kg for 8 reps. - Quora

I need to do 3 sets of 10 repetitions each leg in lunges, do I need to rest between legs or can I do two legs at once and then rest? - Quora

What are pushups good for? - Quora

Are 4 sets of 12 reps good enough to build muscle? - Quora

What does 3x8-10 mean in exercise? - Quora

What is your opinion on high volume training for a natty seeking hypertrophy? Assuming proper nutrition and proper progression, is this a good route for a natural lifter? - Quora

How many exercises does a muscle need per workout in order to grow? - Quora

What is an effective way to increase the number of push-up reps per set? - Quora